School Life

Dormitory Life

The Sapporo Sacred Heart dormitory has a tradition of providing a central element of students’ education and religious guidance. Away from the family home for the first time, all students are given instruction in keeping their rooms tidy, performing cleaning and laundry duties, and table manners and general good behavior. Students also learn the importance of love and generosity in all parts of daily life. Living in communal surroundings, students learn to reflect on themselves and acquire the social skills necessary for later life.

Angel – Child System: One-to-one support

Each new dormitory student (‘Child’) is taken care of by a High School 3rd Year student (‘Angel’). The Angel guides the Child through all aspects of dormitory life, and is there to help in times of trouble.

Message from “Angel”High School Year 3 student Ima Shibata

I’ve been living in the dormitory since my 1st year as a student at Sapporo Sacred Heart. It has always been my ‘angel’ who listened to me, supported me, and has given me the strength to get through many kinds of problems. She often told me “I’m here for you, so don’t worry!”.
Now, I have started High School year 3 and have become an angel myself. I remember what it was like when I was a ‘child’ and I am trying to be the kind of angel who was there for me 5 years ago.
I hope that life in the dormitory for the current ‘children’ will be great and productive.

Tutor System

Former members of our English staff, as well as graduates now at Hokkaido University, offer free after school tutorials in which they help students with anything they didn’t understand in class.

Special Classes

Students who wish to attend special Tea Ceremony, Calligraphy or Flower Arranging classes can participate freely in weekly sessions.

Meals You Can Rely On

With a menu supervised by the school dietician, you can be sure that all meals are well-balanced and nutritious.

Yearly Calendar

AprilWelcome Party
MayBBQ Party
JuneVolleyball Tournament
JulySummer Project (Movies)
AugustField Trip
SeptemberDormitory Festival
(Plays and dancing by each grade)

Daily Schedule

6:006:40 Getting up
7:007:10 Cleaning
7:25 Free
7:35 breakfast
8:008:20 Go to school8:00 Getting up
8:30 Breakfast
Studies9:00 Free
10:00~ Junior High School: Study in silence
     High School: Independent Study
12:0012:25 Lunch (Lunch box) 12:00 Lunch
Studies13:00~ Free time
Return to the Dormitory
Tea (Snacks)
Free Time
13:00~ Free time
18:0018:10 Dinner 18:00 Curfew
18:10 Dinner
Clean up
19:30~ Study in silence
21:0021:00~ Free time
21:30~ Study in silence
22:0022:30 Bed time for Junior High Years 1 & 2
23:0023:30 Bed time for Junior High Year 3~ High School Years 1 & 2
0:000:00 Bed time for High School Year 3

All global course students live in the dormitory for three months.

Questions and Answers

Q Why are all students asked to live in the dormitory?

A  Living together, students improve their communication skills, acquire a sense of independence, and develop feelings of gratitude toward their parents. This also prepares them for homestay trips and visits to Sacred Heart sister schools across the world. Special English classes in the dormitory also help them for these international experiences.

Q For how long do students live in the dormitory?

A  Students who normally live in or around Sapporo will be asked to live in the dormitory for the first three months, that is, until the summer vacation of their first year. As with all our boarders, these students are allowed to go home at weekends.

Q What about after the summer vacation?

A  Students who normally live in or around Sapporo can resume life in the family home. If they wish, they can apply to continue living in the dormitory.

Q If students stay just for the first three months, will they still be part of the Angel-Child system?

A  Yes. All first year students can enjoy the system in the same way.