Christian Values -Nurture the Soul-

It did not matter to Mother Barat
How things looked from the outside.
Because Mother Barat could see more.
She saw a light,
a special light, shining in every one.
Religion and social welfare are two important pillars of life at Sapporo Sacred Heart School. Every day of our students’ school life is spent in an atmosphere full of Christian value. The girls learn to have a flexible and open-minded attitude and to approach matters from many different angles. They also come to know the joy of doing volunteer work and contributing to society. Through such experiences, our girls grow up to be responsible individuals who can see what is most important in their own lives and decide their future career.

Religious education to nurture awareness and reflection
Sapporo Sacred Heart is a Catholic school. Girls are in touch with Christian values not simply during their weekly religion classes, but at all stages of school life. They come to realize the meaning of silent prayer, to value their relationship with others, to create the strong bonds of community, to understand the balance of self-control and freedom, to become involved with social issues both locally and globally and to consider the fundamental meaning of human existence.
Social Welfare Studies to nurture generosity and sense of co-existence
All Junior High School students take part in social welfare studies. This helps them to understand the standpoint of others, and to develop a soul with the capacity for empathy and the ability to act in response to the needs of society. They learn about guide dogs for the blind, attend workshops to learn about Braille or volunteer reading, and study Japanese sign language. In High School they can choose from a range of social issues to study in seminar style classes. Many of our girls actively participate in volunteer activities over weekends or during long vacations. It’s a Sacred Heart tradition we are proud of.
2015 Activities
Social Welfare
Blind School Exchange | Once a year, a group of students from a school for the blind in Hokkaido visit us. (the details will be announced later) |
Deaf School Exchange | Twice a year, our High School Year 1 students (those in Social Welfare Selective class) visit Hokkaido Hard of Hearing High School and Hokkaido Sapporo School for Deaf. Also, and the best speaker of each school attend each other’s speech contest. |
Others | We received a commendation from Hokkaido Guide Dogs for the Blind Association for many years of support activities. |
Volunteer Activities
Donation and support activities | UMEBOSHI Lunch Day (once a month) Volunteer Day (on the Feast of the Sacred Heart)-Junior High School students cleaned up the area near the school; High School-visited various institutions in the city |
Fund-raising Campaign | ASHINAGA- Fund –raising Campaign Central Community Chest of Japan Free meal service(Welcome House)-donation of 32.5kg of rice and 69 pocket warmers. |
Others | Nursing experience (at a hospital in Sapporo) English lessons at elementary schools (Okurayama Elementary School, Sankakuyama Elementary School, Miyanomori Elementary School, Yamanote Minami Elementary School) The Sapporo International Night Winter Sports Festa in Okurayama Voluntary Service at open preschool sponsored by Chuo Ward Office |