About Us
Welcome from the Principal
In prayer

Principal Mr. Takahiro Saito

In 1801, in the midst of the turbulent period after the French Revolution, the Foundress, St. Madeleine Sophie Barat (1779-1865), opened 89 schools in France in response to the changing needs of society.
She committed herself to providing an education that aimed for the development of the whole person: nurturing spirituality, cultivating intellectuality, and fostering an awareness that impels action both for one’s own growth and for others. Over the years, her philosophy of education has been passed down to 146 sister schools all over the world.

In 1963, Sapporo Sacred Heart School was founded as the seventh Sacred Heart School in Japan. Since then, we have been welcoming students as children of God, providing a warm, loving and caring atmosphere for all. The education we offer at Sapporo Sacred Heart School goes hand in hand with prayer, and it has encouraged our students to become global citizens, working to transform our society and bring about peace.
In November 2019, Pope Francis visited Japan for the first time, and the theme of his visit was “Protect All Life”. Our education carries the same message as that of Pope Francis, “O Lord, seize us with your power and light, help us to protect all life, to prepare for a better future.”

In 2014, we were chosen by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as one of fifty-six Super Global High Schools in Japan. This allowed us to further our dedication to providing our students with the skills they need to tackle the issues of the 21st century and to realize a sustainable society. Our curriculum is uniquely designed so that students may prepare themselves for the future in a globalized and sustainable world. In particular, our Global Issues class provides cross-curricular lessons where students use ICT to study Sustainable Development Goals. Through this education, students acquire essential abilities to be peacemakers for the future, such as communication skills, media literacy, critical thinking, appreciation of the intangible, intellectual curiosity, and an inquiring mind.

At Sapporo Sacred Heart School, we have always valued the hopes and desires of the Foundress, and we put them into practice every day, adjusting them to reflect today’s society. We will continue to do so, as we make every possible effort to achieve our goal: to raise wise women who are willing to step out of their comfort zones and venture into the unknown.